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Spin Down Sediment Water Filters

Spin Down Filters
Spin down filters are ideal for high flow rates and filtering out solid particles and coarse sediment such as sand, dirt, etc. We offer a large selection of spin down filters with various mesh screens. The filter screen can be cleaned by using the flush valve. Over time the screen can get clogged or worn and will eventually need to be replaced. The ability to repeatedly clean the filter saves on the expense of buying filter cartridges every six months or so.

KleenWater Spin Down Water Filters
KleenWater brand sand trapper spin down water filters are a economical alternative to the standard throw away water filters. Our KWSSTOP sand stopper spin down system is ideal for filtering out coarse sediment without the need for cartridge replacement. A polyester screen filters the sediment. Periodically the sediment will need to be removed. This can be done by simply opening the purge valve allowing the sediment to be flushed out via centrifugal action.

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