Filter for Pink Stains in Toilet, Drop in Toilet Tank Filter
Brand: KleenWater
Item Number: KW-PINK-X
Regular price
$ 38.45
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KleenWater Filter for Pink Stains in Toilet, Drop in Toilet Tank Filter
Place in the toilet tank to eliminate Pink Stains in the toilet bowl -
The copper and zinc ingredient creates a hostile environment for Serratia Marcescens -
Serratia Marcescens is a bacteria which creates the unsightly pink stain -
Change every 24 months -
Made in the USA
The KW-PINK-X is comprised of Copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn) filtration media that creates a bacteriostat effect. The pink stain is Serratia Marcescens bacteria. This bacteria thrives, grows and manifests itself in areas where moisture and air are present. At and above the toilet water line is an ideal environment. The copper and zinc create a hostile environment so the bacteria can no longer reproduce. The presence of this staining is often mistaken for iron. It is often noticeable after a home renovation or another event that causes dust and airborne pollutants. In some instances the stain is more reddish brown than pink. If the stain is at and above the water line it is likely Serratia. If the stain is below the toilet bowl water it is likely iron. The KW-PINK-X is not effective at removing and addressing iron water stains.